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LEGAL PROVISIONS AND DECIDED CASES ON MAINTENANCE LAW Duncan Abeynayaka – LLB, Attorney At Law   MAINTENANCE ACT, No. 37 OF 1999 PREAMBLE AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF CHILDREN, ADULT OFFSPRING, DISABLED OFFSPRING AND SPOUSES UNABLE TO MAINTAIN THEMSELVES ; TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE OF THE LAW RELATING TO MAINTENANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD; AND FOR MATTERS CONNECTED THEREWITH OR INCIDENTAL THERETO.   PARENTAGE (PATERNITY) - DNA 01. WEERASINGHE V JAYASINGHE 2007 (2) SRI L.R 50 May 24. 2007 DR. SHIRANI BANDARANAYAKE, J. When this matter was taken up for hearing, learned Counsel for the appellant brought to the notice of this Court that there is a report of the DNA test, setting out the results that the appellant is not the father of the child of the applicant-respondent respondent (hereinafter referred to as the respondent). This Court had thereafter directed the appellant to obtain a special me...