DECIDED JUDGMENTS ON DEFECTIVE AFFIDAVITS. Duncan Abeynayaka – LLB, Attorney At Law OATHS AND AFFIRMATIONS ORDINANCE NO. 9 OF 1895 CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE SEC 181, 437 ETC.. 01. RUSTOMJEE V. KHAN 18 NLR 120 PEREIRA J. Under the Oaths Ordinance, 1895, it is open to a non-Christian who believed in God to swear rather than affirm. On the petition filed the District Judge made an interlocutory order in terms of sub-section (b) of section 377 of the Civil Procedure Code. The respondent filed two affidavits in terms of section 384. One of these affidavits the District Judge rejected, because the deponent, a Parsee gentleman, and presumably a Zoroastrian, preferred to swear instead of affirming. Whatever other reasons there may be for rejecting this affidavit:, the reason given by the District Judge appears to me to be untenable. He says: " The word ' sworn ' would seem only to be appropriate to the case of an oath by a Christian. "I do not agree with him ...